Leana Godfrey

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Dullahan: Mythology. The Dullahan (pronounced DOOL-a-HAN) is a headless rider, usually on a black horse who carries his or her own head under one arm. Sometimes Fae, other times undead returned from the grave.

Life is tough and then you die... truer words have never been spoken.

So you want to be a knight my dear daughter, first there are years of training that is involved and you need to be tall, but not so tall that you in your armour will crush a horse.

Then you must train from dawn till dusk in all aspects of being a knight, great sword, long sword, spear, dagger, bow, sword and shield, half handing, wrestling in full plate. Then you must practice this all while on horse back and in addition you must train with a lance because you never know what you will be forced to fight on.

So you go through all this training along side your friends and siblings and go off to war! Then as you charge gloriously an archer on the other side fires an arrow with his fellows, the wind carries it up instead of landing in front of you it plunges straight into your breast and throws you off the horse because the asshole was strong enough to use a dragon bone bow.

You manage not to die that day and are left there during the retreat because it is hard to speak with an arrow in your chest. Night comes and with it a deadly frost, you are trapped in no man's land between the archer's ranges and a woman appears cold as a winter's day and beautiful as a freshly coat of snow over a valley at dawn. You are dying and it's likely the cold and lack of blood, but you try and talk to her and explain why you are dying like a punk ass bitch on the field of battle next to some guy you met about three days ago.

She doesn't really care how you wound up there, but she is willing to make a deal with you a bit of power and a new outlook on life in exchange for your old outlook on life. Sounds like a good deal so you take it and she takes a sword and severs your head from your body... Life at this point is about as bad as it can go, but you only think that because you were alive and now aren't? You can see your body laying there with the arrow still in it and your head feels fine hell you can even feel your body as the woman snaps the arrow and pulls it through. It fucking hurts so you scream into the night air with out lungs and it's an experience when she jams her hand into your breast and pulls out the slivers of broken body and steel that would have made healing... painful to say the least.

You then get up slowly a new creature and pick up your head as your hair catches fire and your neck slowly spews out a blue frost coloured flame. You head still fits where it did before and your armour well... you're only in an arming jacket and you turn to talk to the woman, but she is gone and a new suit of armour is on the ground where she was.

You win, you kill the guy who shot you in the chest and you wander off during the victory celebration to the woods to piss. She comes for you then and takes you away from all you knew to join a court and fulfill the rest of her promise, because she is a fairy queen and it's what she does. Now you are a member of the winter court of the Sidhe and a knight of the court and not fully human, not really a fae and not really dead soo where the hell do you stand?!

Life kind sucks.. and just because you die doesn't mean things get easier, but at least you can have fun with your possible unlife right?
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human