Rafael Kiscinto

A man rich in theatrical mystique, Alphred does to say the least come across as eccentric, yet in some regards withheld. An individual more than willing to share, but not everything. Never everything.

With a dusky complexion and hair of darkest hazel, it'd be fair to assume him of Amnian stock, despite the lack of a distinct accent. As a manner of fact, his tradescommon was as clear and practiced as can be, eloquently carried with each sentence.

His face, as is the case with many magi, bore the traits, or perhaps the lack thereof of an indiscernable age. Faintly lined and weathered, yet vibrant with energy. Framed on all sides by cascading dreadlocks that reach halfway across his chest and back, many of which were adorned with coinlike talismans woven into or tipping each thick tendril. Accompanying the unruly mane was a robust, yet short beard, slightly more elongated at the cusp of his chin to present a dull spike. Both of his ears bore large golden rings in them, with the left also donning two smaller rings in the upper helix.

In terms of physique, a naturally broad skeletal structure presents the illusion of bulk, despite a lack of musculature overall. Said frame oftentimes draped in regalia that drew upon both archaically gothic and extravagant elements in stark contrast with one another. Each article of clothing at all times accompanied by an abunandance of pouches, scroll holsters and various other arcane paraphernalia.

Lastly, should skin be bared one would be hardpressed to miss the abundance of ink etched into his skin. The near entirety of his left arm being devoured by intricate runic patterns, segmented by a series conclusive circles. Upon his inner right forearm, the image of an avian beast was portrayed, much akin to a hawk, but with the wingspan and slithering tail of a dragon. Finally, leering out from the upper left section of his back was the visage of a jawless cranium, with one of its empty occular sockets alit with narrow flame, and an unfurled scroll draping forth from below uneven teeth - engraved with the semblance of a radiant, slender star.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human