
Portrait Save
"The one who fights alone."

Height: 1,90M
Weight: 90Kg
Hair: Blond~ish
Skin: Pale pink
Eyes: Ruby red
Body: Athletic and muscular
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 30~ish

"Standing in front of you there is a man with a fierce gaze. Usually he stays silent and focused. He always carries a giant greatsword behind his back"


Red: You.
(Small time SRP/ERP, God-moting, Metagaming.)

Yellow: Someone else.
(Bad RP.)

Green: Your Arch-Enemy.
(Duels/PvP/Fights, good RP, story driven RP.)

- Player is tell friendly, even if he hates you.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human