Velvet Snow
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1-12-25 update
Velvet Snow 5 Feet even Early twenties She has a new piercing of her right nostril, a small diamond that twinkles as the light hits it. She has added a new, reddish black feather, larger than the rest to her hat. It's prominently displayed. She is now sporting a tattoo on her right bicep. A skull made of storm clouds, two lightning bolts crossed beneath it, and the eyes shaded red. Another newer one snakes around her left thigh. The newest one, just a few shades darker than her tanned skin wraps around her right breast, spreading down her rib cage, spilling down her back and middle of her stomach. The design could be random, or maybe it has a meaning. She seems to be in even better shape than the last time she made port. Everything tighter, stronger looking. She currently has, what looks like a brand on the right palm of her hand. Black and red, angry looking as though recent. It is a Pentagram with a T in the middle. --------- The lass that stands before you holds herself with confidence and usually, an easy smirk. A pretty tanned face, and a soft supple body. Though a slight woman, she is much stronger than she looks. She usually dresses in soft worn leathers, clothes easy to move around in. She's rarely without her signature tri-point hat. Well loved, it is marked with knicks and scrapes that say this lass has seen her way around a fight or two. That being said, she seems to have managed without many scars, from what you can see. Either luck, skill, or a really good healer in her company. Vet is mostly a sweet girl, friendly with everyone. She has many names and titles. She is known as the pirate Queen (though if that's just a nickname or an actual title remains to be seen.) Some call her Rum Goddess, which she happily accepts. Velvet, Axe of the wake and shore (recently given, thanks Loki) Some call her a badass, and some a bitch. Few know her as their Captain, though now technically an admiral of her own fleet. She will tell you that she mostly does merchant shipping, but a sly smile lets you know that probably is not all she does with her fleet, or her businesses. Fewer still know her darker side. The darkness there deep inside that she struggles to keep hidden. Ready to strike down her enemies in a quick strike of her axe, she is unwavering when she sets her mind to the justice she seeks, right or wrong. Perky round breasts taper into a cinched slim waist before flaring out slightly into slim hips with an ample ass. Her long red hair curls softly down nearly to her waist. Jade eyes sit wide in her face with a small dainty nose between them. Dark eyelashes flutter, and pink full lips look soft and kissable. She always has some sort of blade on her, More often than not, her axes, hooked at each side of her hips. Even if you don't see them, she most certainly has something to protect herself, and she carries herself with that confidence. She smells of salt water, coconut and orchids, sun and on occasion rum. Subtle and not overpowering. It is clear she spends a lot of time near the water. She talks with a bit of an accent, perhaps sounding a little uneducated to some, or perhaps from spending time around slums and piratey type people. She's extremely loyal and protective over those she cares for, and over her crew. A fierce fighter when she needs to be, she still tends to be friendly more so than not. This doesn't stop her from taking someones head when necessary. She is the owner of Port O' Storms Distillery in the Gateward. Snow's Resort in Esus (Other distilleries soon to open as well as a pirate island refuge! Ask if you?re interested in RP) Greens: Storylines First! Piratey/shipside RP, intrigue, long term stories. She has several ships, and slightly different rp with each. Drug/illegal running, merchant shipping/rum shipping etc. Looking for crew for her fleet, as well as staff for businesses! PM me if interested. Vampires, Werewolves, magical beings. Men. Not really interested in women alone, but occasional threesomes are okay in the right situation. Mind Control. Magic. Drugs. Kidnapping in certain cases, Injury RP, damsel rp (Though shes not much of a damsel, the saving aspect can be fun when she inevitably gets herself into trouble) She tends to switch dominant and submissive depending on the situation and day. Reds- Noncon/Rape, Not looking to be a slave, No bathroom play, Nothing permanent, Nothing against server rules, No Pedo, etc etc etc Pretty open otherwise, if a scenario starts heading somewhere I'm not comfortable with, I will let you know. Tell Friendly, have any ideas sent me a message! Happy to help build and run RP events (Myself or with friends.), if there's an idea you have that you need help pulling off, feel free to send me a tell on Vet or FallenAngel (builder) |
Player: | VelvetSnow |
Gender (Visually): | Female |
Race (Visually): | Human |