Libris Mirabilis, Codex Of Wonder

Updated Nov 2021

Libris Mirabilis, Codex Of Wonder

'Lo there adventurer. What have we here? Sexy Cormyrian leather, wrapped so meticulously over the spine and cover. Small silver inlays beset about the edges of the corners. Adorned upon the purple leathers of the cover are gold leaf- Fashioned over the raised patterns of archaic occult scribings. Yet the writing can shift and appear differently from person to person.

Perhaps a wizard or some magical beast that ran afoul of some strong magical curse? Perhaps it is a conduit to someone on another plane, using the book as a gateway of sorts-
A scrying orb and portal to the realm of Sinfar. It is also in question that it could be a shapeshifter of extraordinary prowess- Whatever the case- It isn't giving up it's secrets lightly.

 To the trained eye- This book oozes magic, and seems to be completely composed of it, no matter how solid it may seem. The thick magical aura palpable to those of arcane senses. It would appear as a compisition of divine, and wild magic energies, having strong ties to the weave.

 To those with True Seeing- The book is a literal cloud of sentient magic with the parameters above. Appearing as a swirling mass off lights, moving memories, colors, sounds, and smells. One might find any number of memories and knowledges by studying it.

If attempting to read the book, make a spellcraft or UMD roll:

25+ - You can make out some words and there are illustrations, but the book is largely incomprehensable.

30+ - The book is a completely readable and details a subject matter of the reading character's interests (I.e. the book contains exactly what the reader would want to find in a book- From ancient rare pornography, to a technical manual, to an epic story)

40+ - You are able to alter and direct the books contents, finding knowledges at a whim.

I am a tell friendly Player if in doubt ask. I prefer to run with the RP as it comes along. If something bothers me I will let you know. Prefer to keep things simple and communicative with this one. Due to the nature of the character a lot changes outside of it appearing as a book.

If you want to do something do it. , . . . I prefer to have fun and will generally roll with most things. If something is bad enough to bother me I will send a tell.

Some ideas to get you started:
* Grab and read the book
* Stuff it it your pack
* Divine it's secrets
* Perform magical experiments with it's           essence
* Use it for magical study
* Use it as a plot device for your character's story (Opening up a portal, summoning a beast, learning a secret, alteration and so on)
* Use it as a magical battery to fuel a more powerful spell

Player:All That I
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Uknown