Cassandra O'Reilly

I'm not certain what I will do with this character in terms of purpose, gameplay style and other things, yet. It's mostly experimental for arcane / sorcerer type. A spellsword variation didn't have so much appeal on me.  Not for playing it more than once half a year. I'm giving pure sorcerer a chance.

A lack of time stop and non-optimized stats, paired with settings and house rules of Sinfar, render this character less effective to useless in quite some PvP situations. I might still join a spar or something else, if you ask very, very nicely and behave.

However, I can't stand this mentality of having an advantage over other players: Be it by the poor and pitiful ganging up on a player, using jumpers, urging someone, using other unfair mechanics, killing off a character out of spite and so on. Seriously, behave or play with someone else.

My main interests on this character will be roleplay, general, casual and otherwise shaped, and adventure oriented things. No, I roleplay when I'm playing during exploration or cavern systems and alike too. One does not exclude the other. It sadly does not work with "epic dungeons", partly because the dungeons are simply too big, with too much OOC organizing and partly because people simply lack the interest in roleplay there.

As it regards the appearance of Cassandra, like nearly all of my characters, it's WYISWYG (what you see is what you get) without any hidden quirks. Though, you have to imagine that this character always displays arcane symbols and other indices of her profession. I can't just slap that on all of her outfits.

You might have scrolled down to this part in hope for some "traffic lights". Very well then. This character has some preference for genders:
Male > Female > Other

What I don't like:
Gore, vore, urine, feces, basically the whole toilet show, excessive violence and pain play, mind control and some other commonly repulsing things. No cleaning of a penis oral from anal intercourse either, please. This character does not bond by any means, including marriage, pregnancy, slavery or something else. It shouldn't be necessary to say but do not act clingy or OOC jealous. Not only will it greatly annoy but it will also lead to cutting all and any playtime with you.

What I like:
I can have fun with a lot of things and I might be willing to try something new too. Somewhat matching sizes are favored while others are either refused or simply don't fit. Races? The character is open to alot but humanoid, elf or human related, have biggest chances. Kinky, naughty and lewd topics are perfectly fine too. Top / Bottom? Do I really have to decide or can I just go with the flow and the mood? That is entertaining too.

What else? Have fun!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human