Imryll 'Knife Ears' Tira'allara

Before you stands a elf carrying herself with pride, somehow this outcast has found it's way into the narrow streets of Blacksteel, little joy can be found on her lips as she glares at the humans that pass her by.

Usually clad in loose clothing this elf has a sinister look to herself. Carrying a longbow over her shoulder and a dagger at her belt she looks ready to defend herself. Her face carries several scars, even with her battered face it isn't difficult to notice her beauty.

She speaks with a rough tone, unbefitting of her small appearance, adjusted to the streets of Blacksteel.

Name: Imryll Tira'allara
Alias: Knife Ears
Age: Unknown
Race: Elven
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf