Shuloth Rimescale

Race: Brainstealer Dragon/Vishap
Height (Illithid form): 7 foot 9 inches
Height (Vishap form): 13 feet to the head
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Reds: Things that belong in the toilet
Yellows: Perma-Slavery, changes, or death (ask permission)
Greens: Good to go on most things
Whites: Impregnation, rape, kidnapping, seduction, tentacles, transformation

Humanoid: Shul takes the form of a seemingly half-dragon illithid for the most part, though it often keeps a hood, mask, and cover for its tendrils to conceal it's nature to some extent. A long prehensile tail stretches from the tail-bone -  indicators of its draconic heritage. Very little of Shul's body is seen in most case, merely the tail and perhaps the occasional glance at the raptor like feet. For those who do happen to see the abomination beneath the tight clothes, they would look upon a creature fit more in a realm of nightmares. Shul's head is that of an illithid, powerful tentacles wiggle and flex from time to time as it survey's the area, solid yellow eyes like a soulless void taking in every traveler whom passes. Shul's soft hide glistened with a mucus that covered it's entire body, a mucus that its clothes seem to maintain, keeping the creature wet at all times. The figure is vaguely feminine, though only the most depraved could consider it attractive as the flesh of the figure pulls taut to bone, giving it an emaciated appearance. Between Shul's legs is a small slit, barely visible. When in the mood to mate, a trio of long, prehensile tentacles push free from the slit, tipped with bulbous heads which ooze with the creature's foul pre. The tendrils, like the rest of the creature's body, are covered in a layer of slime - likely to lubricate its victim. The length of the tentacles were mostly smooth and featureless save for the occasional bump along the tendrils. The creature lacks visible balls, though any victim will soon find the creature remains quite capable of pumping them full of twisted, sticky, and utterly vile cum to spread its horrible progeny with. Somewhat behind the creatures tentacle filled vent was a much smaller slit, the creature's female sex, far harder to see but still present.

Vishap Form: The creature's true form is that of a corrupted Vishap, covered in dark green scales and a lighter green underbelly. The monstrous tentacled head remains, the four tendrils far larger and tougher than it's smaller form. The great wingspan of the beast was clearly passed down from the draconic parent. The mucus that covered it's illithid form remained ever-present and in much thicker amounts, the slime gave the creatures body a glistening appearance in the light. All in all, it is a nightmarish crossing between the raw strength and size of a dragon, with the despicable powers and visage of a mind-flayer. Much like its humanoid form, the creature has a slit between it's hind legs which houses the monstrously sized tentacle trio, the appearance was the same, though the size was significantly more.

Shul is a corrupting influence on the world, immediately anathema to the very natural order of the prime material. The creature is drawn toward enslaving, converting, breeding, or destroying whatever it can get its hands on. Shul is not quite as insane and twisted as most far-realm creatures go, its motives are primal and basic, but twisted with malevolence and unbridled hatred for what it continues to call the 'usurpers', which happens to be everything that isn't an illithid. The creature's personality is hard to read for most, its eyes are voids of emotion. The creature, to most, will appear sinister, cordial, and emotionless; in truth a storm of feelings rages on within it which it barely clamps down beneath the surface.

RP abilities (RP'ed with permission only, save perhaps the telepathy which is sort of required for its communication)

Telepathy: Shul can mentally communicate with any creature within 100 feet of itself. A being of strong mind can attempt to shove the creature's thoughts away.

Psionics: Shul is capable of many psionic feats, lifting things with its mind, manipulating the environment to some extent, and otherwise performing like a discount mage with a shockingly larger ego.

Mind-Control: Shul is capable of controlling the actions of an individual to a varying extent as per a domination spell. The victim's mind makes the ability's effects vary, from mere suggestion to total control. The victim retains awareness while under control, but is unable to speak or act of their own will.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human