
6'3", 170 lbs
70 y.o. Human Male

  His shaggy, shock-white hair and beard are the most striking features of this old campaigner. The heavy years have marked his tall, thin frame with a slight stoop and a slow tread, but his bright blue eyes give hint to a mind still keen and curious. "Geist" is the only name he gives of himself, but dark, whispered rumors follow, linking him to the legend of the Ghost of Blodhalle.
  For the most part, Geist seems a pleasant wanderer, rarely impacted much by the goings-on of those around him. Beneath that, though, the occasional glimflashy glint of his bright eyes speak to a sea of hidden rage. But beneath THAT, the most empathetic would sense that Geist is simply tired. Very old, and very tired.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf