First Apostle of The Red Dawn

Sprawled along each section of his knuckle is a different depiction of a demon, it looks like some sort of a tapestry, coming straight from the sistine chapel, if the sistine chapel was demonic rather than angelic. There is an aura of inner peace about him, he is in harmony with himself and it shows with each of his movements, graceful and precise. His body is covered by countless nicks and scars, concentrated at his fists more than anywhere else, long forgotten and shallow by the time his body reached his peak, however, they still serve as a reminder of a body kissed with the tools of war; at present, his body has already developed a vitality strong enough to recover from wounds in a speed that precedes the tissue of scarring altogether. Gentleness, enlightenment and love emanate from this man, a black gospel always slung at his side or in his hands.

Age: 26
Eyes: Light blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'10"
Race: Human
Tone: Gentle, dry whisper
Weight: 200 Ibs
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human