Rose Whitestone

Born to a rather well off aristocratic family, Rose spent her early years pampered and a little spoiled by a set of loving parents and an overprotective older sister. Unfortunately that life came to a swift end eventually.

Attacked by a group of renegades, the family manor was burning and their guards dead. The sisters chased off to an escape tunnel while their parents turned to face the foe with weapons drawn, deciding to buy the girls time to make their escape.

Having managed to escape with what little they could take with them, the two of them spent a few years in hiding until the spark of revolution was once more crushed, her sister reclaiming her family name with the signet ring and a test of blood with a mage overseeing the test.

Rose could have stuck around living as a younger Lady at the family estate once more at that point, but her years on the road, dodging trouble and learning about how much was out there had an effect upon her however, and she chose the road.

Besides, while not exactly a mage, she had found out that there were a few things she could still do, that lent themselves to her amusement.


This character is a Changeling, so her looks and race may change from time to time, a fair warning for those who dislike such play. She does not tend to switch shape when around other people though, but she has enjoyed getting to know some folks in different forms multiple times to learn what they are really like.
Player:Naughty Fairytales Read
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human