Gnome Bardcleric

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§§§ - Physique - §§§

Height: 6'5" / 192.5 cm
Weight: 241 lbs / 95kg
Gender: Male
Race: Outsider
Affiliation: Baatezu
Skin: Orange
Eyes: Black
Feathers: Blue

This thin-bodied, salamander, crossed with some manner of fiend has wiry limbs and no fat to speak of. It resembles a large humanoid, though it is possessed of longer sharp claws, talonned feet, bat-like wings and horns sprouting from it's forehead.

It's face would be long, thin, with narrowed, pinched in eyes, a wide, flat fang filled mouth, and a couple of slits for a nose. What might be lost in amongst it's many fangs are long retractable canines sprouting from the top of the jaw. These would be unremarkable to anyone not of baatezu origin or expert in such.

The arms are proportionally longer than a humans, terminating in enlargenned, but still stubby looking claws. at the end of each elbow, would be a talon, extending from the forelimb bone, protruding through the skin and arching up towards the bicep, no more than two inches in length.

However, down low is a long, large tail, in place of legs and a pelvis, roange and scaled, like the rest of him. Hidden in folds in the tail is what appears to be a two inch long and thick penis, when flaccid. However, when the blood gets pumping up the shaft, the two inches can extend out to a solid foot of hard cockflesh.

§§§ -   OOC   - §§§

Name: Uuiaxihr (Pronounced You-Ree-Ah-Zeer)
Status: Looking for vict- I mean friend.
Sexuality: Pansexual, Dominant

In terms of Lights. . .

Prefers to Initiate
Dominant (But Turnabout is Fairplay)
Stalking, Molesting, Rape, Debauchery
Corruption, Transformations, Drugging
Pranks, Traps, Harrassing Adventurers
Stealing Underwear
Being in a gang of critters
Having an improper relationship with his Mistress
Most sorts of Penetration.

Permadeath, Permanent Mutilation/Amputation
OOC Drama
Bad RP: Autoresponding, Metagaming, Godgaming

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Gnome