Ravenne Teglefnen

Kal watched the slight figure make its way along the darkened street, the cobbles glistening wetly in the guttering torchlight. At the footpad's nod three other shadows detatched themselves from the darkness and moved to follow their quarry. To his surprise their mark didn't even pause before turning into the dark alley called simply, and for a multitude of reasons,, "the Cut." His eyes narrowed, this was their turf and nobody was going to walk brazenly through their turf. That turned this from a simple mugging, demanding the fool's gold at knifepoint, into something more serious. His mates sensed it as well and each drew steel as they moved into a particularly dark patch. Coming out the other side Kal paused looking around in confusion their quarry was gone. Then a sharp intake of breath behind brought him up short and turned him around to watch as their quarry stepped out between them into the midst of his band.

With the practice of many such encounters Ferl and Tarley both sprang into action they had the fool bracketed, light footed though he might be they still had the numbers and they were used to working together. One lunged high, one low. A skilled blade might dodge both by moving out of the way quickly enough, but their quarry spun the heavy ink dark cloak billowing out like a cloud. The sounds of blades passing through the cloak so close they melded into a single sound followed by two equally simultaneous wet sounds of blades sinking into flesh.

Tarly's eyes went wide and he opened his mouth to scream when he saw his blade run through the throat of his best friend. It was only then that he felt the wetness running down his own chest hot and thick where Ferl's blade had found it's mark a deep wet tearing sensation as the blade tore through his lungs.
The only sound in Kal's ears as the two fell in a slightly obscene mingled heap was the sound of Razad's foot falls as the youngest of his crew fled beating a rapid tattoo echoed by his own heartbeat. Then he fell into darkness illuminated only by a pair of dark almond shaped eyes and a pair of lush ruby lips that curled in a sardonic smile. Something bubbled up in his chest and he coughed up a spray of blood, wait, that wasn't right and then pain bloomed in his chest. Just before darkness claimed him she stretched up and kissed him on the lips as one might a lover her words echoing in his ears and then fading, "Cat and mouse."

Description: Pretty much what you see is what you get. An elf, probably moon elf with soft skin the color of new drawn milk, long raven dark hair spilling down past delicately pointed ears over her shoulders and down her back, framing a delicately featured face with wide quicksilver eyes, and lush pouty crimson lips.

OOC Stuff:
I don't do anything against server rules, nor anything to do with urine, feces, animals or children.

Tell friendly, and wildly open.
Player:dark enchantress
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf