Rebecca Westbrook

This dark-haired woman, while not unattractive generally, rarely seems to dress or worry about her appearance in such terms, tending to prefer more practical attire, as well as eschewing perfumes, cosmetics, or the like. She carries herself with a certain awareness, grace of motion, and bearing that would seem to indicate she's not unfamiliar with fighting, though she seems to bear no noticeable scars from any such, at least that are visible in normal attire. She isn't terribly tall, but is reasonably slender, though noticeably feminine nonetheless.

Of late, she usually pulls her dark hair back into a simple ponytail held in place by a leather loop, showing off her rounded human ears, where previously she left it to hang free.

She is often seen wearing fine, well-cared for leathers, with a matching pair of short blades strapped to her waist. At her back, a modestly sized bow is usually kept tied to a strap, left unstrung, next to a thin quiver of arrows.

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Hair: Dark brown to Black
Eyes: Dark Hazel
Current Occuption: Bodyguard, Bounty Hunter/Trouble-shooter
Player:All Along The Watchtower
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human