Blythe Guildeforde

Standing at 5'6", with a face covered by a fair amount of dirt. She is found usually sporting old, beaten clothes worth of a commoner. The young woman tries to carry herself without attracting much attention whenever possible, with colors that don't stand out. She smells of coal smoke or the rare sweet smell of beeswax.

Some muscles under her attire suggest that she is used to menial labor. And so does her rough looking hands. Where once was a long hair, it looks to have been cut short in a messy way, maybe by a blade rather than more a barber's tools.

A human without a doubt. The tomboy of a young woman speaks with a hearty voice, albeit waning with a lack of interest or perhaps grief in its tone. More often than not, a blunt weapon such as a warhammer is found attached to her belt.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human