Jaera Varainuth

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No creature is born with the full wisdom and knowledge that their kind is known for. The same is true for even the mystical and legendary dragons. While a few dragon mothers choose to teach their children on their own, and many more leave their hatchlings to fend for themselves, the wisest among them seek out Jaeravarainuth.

Only the eldest dragons remember her as she truly is, for it has been many centuries since she has assumed her original form. Instead, she stubbornly keeps to a humanoid shape, one which is lovely indeed.

Her hair is dark, flecked with bands of shimmering amethyst only revealed when caught in light. The same color can be found in her shining eyes, and on the amethyst jewelry she is fond of wearing. A pair of thin, spiraling horns emerge from her forehead, peaking through her dark hair. Lastly, a single silver stone is set into the center of her forehead.

Her skin is a rich bronze in tone, both smooth to the touch and soft when pressed. This is clearly not a woman of great physical prowess, but the lushness of her figure more than makes up for it. Nowhere is this more prominently displayed that her voluminous bosom. Her breasts are soft and plush, with a press of her arm against them displaying how easily they give way when touched. Her narrow waist and wide hips fill out the rest of her figure, adding to the full sensuality of her shape.

Race: Amethyst Dragon
Alignment: True Neutral
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 132 lbs
Gender: 100% Female

If your character is especially knowledgeable about dragons, or actually is a dragon, feel free to have your character recognize her if you like. If your character is a dragon and you wish to have them recognize her because you think it would be neat if they were actually taught by her, send me a tell! Chances are I'll be pretty open and accepting of it.

Lights-wise, I'll only say that this character is not into heavy BDSM, and is adamantly against any form of toilet play or torture. Sexually, she is primarily interested in females, but sexual RP is only a small part of what this character is about. For the rest, you'll have to discover it yourself.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human