Adolf Arignus Cartwright

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A towering man, standing at around six and a half feet, possibly just slightly over, he struck quite the image. Adolf was marginally taller than most men of the Cartwright family, though not by much, his dark auburn hair kept combed and neatly trimmed, and those who know him would note he has recently begun shaving, following his recent officer commission. He had a set jaw, and a thin scar traveled over his cheek to disappear into it. He looked to be no older than thirty, and no younger than twenty-five.

Striking bright green eyes looked down at you, humble in bearing, despite his size, Adolf carried himself well, practiced straight posture and practiced movements bespoke of a life in the military, if the finely crafted armor he wore, as well as the massive steel claymore sheathed across his back, over his cloak, the pommel and hilt finely wrought brass, the lower part of the blade was blunted and wrapped in black leather, in typical fashion, allowing for a variety of stances, defensive, offensive, long, and short.

He spoke with a deep voice, often loud without even affecting it, Adolf was a man who was used to yelling over the din of combat so that his orders could be heard.

He now often wears a surcoat of Black and Burgundy, as well as a long black cloak, marking him as a member of the Blackcloak Militia, a pin on the cloak signifies him as a Lieutenant.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human