
Portrait Save
Name: Alamea
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 135#
Age: 18
Eye Color: Lavender
Hair Color: Lavender
Skin Color: Tanned
Breasts: E Cup
Build: Voluptuous, athletic
Sexuality: Lesbian
Position: Switch/neutral

Alamea is the more outgoing and vivacious of the twins.  She has a fiery personality.  She enjoys participating in sports and dancing to include sensual dances.  She enjoys socializing and going to parties.  Her clothing is bright and risque, typically bikinis and loin cloths, displaying most of her skin to the best advantage.

Tall, graceful, and toned, this tanned woman often has a cheerful smile on her face.  Long lavender hair falls unbound other than a tiara almost to her ass.  Her eyes are a similar shade of lavender, and heavy lidded with long dark lashes.  Her lips are soft and generous, and her nose subtle with an upward turn.

Traveling below her feminine shoulders, her heavy chest was prominent.  The large orbs are soft, supple, and nubile.  Youth helping them resist the pull of gravity, they bounce pleasantly with her movements.  Her belly has a bit of definition to it, as well as her arms.  Her hips flare out from a slender waist, sporting a heart shaped ass well toned and just a hint of bounce to it.  Her puffy labia are bald.  Her legs are long and toned as well.

Born twins, signs about their birth had these two women chosen out from their destitute circumstances and placed as the leaders of a small island nation.  These signs have granted them certain latent abilities that are yet to be unlocked, and the twins are just starting to come in to their natural sorcery.  What I'm looking for are people wanting to help them untap that potential for good or ill, or divert them from it in to some other nefarious purpose.

For Lights:
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human