
Portrait Save
Name: Nayat
Age: 33
Race: Cursed
Type: Humanoid
Gender: Female
Alignment: True Neutral
Deity:  N/A
Class: Sha?ir
Height: 5ft 11in
Weight: 116lbs
Bust: D-Cup
Cock: None (Usually)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green, Snakelike
Skin: Pale Grey
Fur: Black
        At a glance the woman before you wears the frame of an elf, though that is where the distinction ends. Immediately, the eye is drawn to the rather large chitin-covered stinger either bobbing over her head, or else tucked neatly upon her shoulder. She possesses cloven hooves much like a goat, the dark fur upon them well maintained and glossy. Her fingernails, though similarly luxuriously well-maintained are dark and both longer and sharper than what might be normally expected. Her flesh is similarly off-color, unusually pale, though decidedly pampered and soft. She both stands and walks with both grace and exuberance- a surprisingly peppy and motivated will dwelling within that cursed frame.
     Should the eyes linger upon her, they take note not of the monstrous features she possesses, but the undeniable beauty of the woman - blessed on innumerable fronts, her natural beauty, pampered glow and presence and personality come together perfectly. Her face is a peerless combination of the chiseled points of the elven race, and a feminine softness - her brow gracefully transitioning to her bright - if snakelike - eyes, which shine with a paradoxical radiance to go with the naturally feral and cold look such emerald, reptilian features might otherwise hold. Her nose is small and slightly, cutely upturned, and her lips are full- often darkened and curled into a slight smile, right above the soft point of her chin. Should those dark lips open, she possesses a gleaming smile of perfect, radiant-white teeth - though as if ever to amusingly twist this beauty, her canines are longer than natural, as well as - likely - hollow. Her hair is raven black and glossy, cascading down between her shoulderblades- meticulously kept clean and orderly, it is sometimes put up into some elaborate do, though normally those inky tresses are parted only by the woman?s pointed ears, where their tips break this silken veil of hair. That hair, much like her oft-oiled skin, carries with it the scent of rare desert flowers and sand.
     As the eyes flirt downwards, they would come across the graceful lines of her neck, which transition seamlessly to the swell of her breasts - naturally large and perky, her chest rises and falls gently with each breath she takes, covered in her warm, peerlessly soft flesh, and capped in nipples that puff ever so slightly- just enough to be visible beneath fabric, it is not hard for the eye to linger here overlong, nor for images of pressing a cheek against that chest of hers - kissing one of those pierced nipples, or simply grabbing and groping to come unbidden to the mind. Beneath the shadow of her breasts lies the soft flesh of her belly, her slim waist and the flare of her hips - she possesses another piercing at her navel, the exquisite beauty of that jewelry doing little compared to the woman who wears it.
    Downwards further still, below the subtle lines of her waist, would be nestled her nethers, crowned by a neatly trimmed strip of hair - naturally, she sports a pair of perfect, puffy netherlips, glistening perpetually with warm dew, warm and inviting as the rest of the woman, those pink folds resting in the natural gap that forms between her legs - possessed of both a warmth and a scent that coaxes lust and desire easy as the next needy breath, though as both a creature and practitioner of magic, she doubtlessly has the ability to call upon whatever lewd and meaty sort of throbbing cock she wishes, to live out any more sadistic desires she might possess - when she does, it would be a sight to behold, as throbbing a pillar of flesh as enticing her natural anatomy was.
     Lower, her legs end in cloven hooves - her calves bent back and covered in fur similar to a goat - her hooves are kept in impeccable shape, polished and cleaned to the point of gleaming, and her fur follows suit, as lustrous and silken as her hair. Similarly, her hands- through soft, delicate and gracefully articulated, possess thick claws rather than nails, yet somehow this woman has managed to clean, paint, and manicure them to the point that the - still razor sharp - claws look cultured and even ?dainty?.
     Her tail - that large, bobbing stinger that curls over her shoulder or bobs over her head, loaded with some doubtlessly debilitating concoction - and razor sharp and chitin covered regardless - often sways with her steps, even acts as an agent of gesticulation should her normally soft-angelic voice raise. It bobs above - mostly covering her taut, heart-shaped ass as she walks, hiding from view- for the most part - those cheeks.  
     When she casts, a peculiar glow comes about her- clearly, she draws from some otherworldly source. Her skin seems to light up slightly, and the air is suffused with magic - perhaps most notably, her hair takes on a life of its own, glowing orange-yellow and flowing upwards, as though the currents of magic have immersed her location, as she draws upon her powers.
    Her venoms - both from her sting, as well as her bite - are particularly deadly, and likely derived from something other than natural sources - similar to molydeus venom, her bite and sting can intoxicate and incapacitate even creatures normally immune to poison, though such creatures are at +10 to save. (10 + HD + CHAMOD = Fort DC 70) Interestingly, she can use some combination of alchemy and magic to modify the nature of her venoms, and though often difficult to resist, they are rarely deadly, by themselves.
    Note: Sha'ir is a CHA based caster who barters for spells, and can continue to pay for and learn them, but cannot cast as many as a sorcerer - This is represented best in NWN with Wizard mechanically, thus INT and CHA for the character should be swapped - she is not a pillar of intellect, as much as a force of personality, for the purposes of rolls and things.
     Enchantments of various types surround her, of note, an epic level telekinesis effect allows her to use her casting stat (rolled as INT), for the purposes of physical strength.

          Fun, Corruption, Risk of Impregnation/Impregnation, Inflation, Body modification, Breeding, Ovipositors, Oversized insertions, Magic, Transformation, Creampies / Cum filling, Demons/Fiends, Tentacles!, Rape, M/F, Vanilla, Virgins, Humiliation, BDSM, Slave/Master, Bondage, Capture, Big cocks, Monsters, Oversized insertions, Vaginal, Shemales and Hermaphrodites, Mind Control, Manipulation and Coercion, Rough sex, Torture, Horsegirls, (The list goes on...) ~~~ Most importantly, good roleplay!
Yellow: Anal
         Excessive Gore, Dismemberment, Children, Toilet Play

Tell friendly- walk up, say hello!
Player:Diminished Rite
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf