Sisk Nys'Dominasa

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This tiefling would present with androgynous features and signs of hard living. Her hair was a long mane of blonde, messy and kept just enough to stay out of her eyes. A pair of horns pressed up from her skull and curved towards their tips and often interfered with any helms the demifiend might attempt to wear. Her eyes were a deep ruby red, flecked with yellow and orange. The orbs seldom remained focused, often darting about at every noise or to seemingly nothing at all in manic glances, even when the tiefling was holding conversation.

 Whenever she grinned, a polished silver tooth would often glint or catch the light. Apparently having the original knocked out, her upper left canine was replaced with the expensive false tooth.

The freckles of past work in the sun decorated the bridge of her nose, faint but noticeable. Her lips, often dry and cracked from the Sabani sun were rarely if ever painted. As she spoke, the slightly pointed tips to her teeth and the forked tip of her tongue might be spotted as typical expressions of the fiendish heritage in her bloodline.

Her six fingered hands often scratched at her forearm or neck in some manner of nervous tic, often leaving welted red marks or scrapes from the claws that the digits ended in. Her frame was a thin, almost lanky one when combined with her height. Her chest was nearly flat, but the typically boyish and functional clothing she wore would show that she did have a small bust, even if it was far from being considered an impressive one. The outline of her ribs could be seen through her flesh if she had the region exposed, but her muscles were well toned and her stomach was lined with definition.

A tail nearly as wild and manic as her eyes trailed behind her, whipping this way and that as if it had a will of it?s own. Her legs were long, with thick thighs standing out from her otherwise gaunt figure. They ended in bizarre goat-like shins leading to cloven hooves, often chipped and smudged with dirt. Though, the same could be said of much of her.

Her clothing changed often, but tended to be conservative or function based, though she seemed to have an almost obsessive collection of rings on her fingers. Some looked like wedding bands, others like cheap bands of copper, the quality often varying wildly. They changed out frequently, being tossed aside when something new caught her eye.

[ Sisk has a heightened sense of smell, around that of a bloodhound. If you'd like to factor that into interactions, please feel free! Roleplay is always welcome! ERP is as well, but I tend to enjoy something to go with it more than just diving into it first thing.]

Note: I may not always respond to tells. I like to remain IC while in game. Thank you for understanding!
Player:The Goat With Bedroom Eyes
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf