
Name: Aximus (no known last name)

Age: Late 20's

Features: He has a long gash going from the left side of his face, starting from his nose to up his left eye. Then turning into what seems to be a healed scar burn on his forehead to his scalp. Though his hair seems to have grown over most of it but still noticeable if seen.

Family: None or all dead...??

Race: Human...??

born in the slums of this city, trying his best work towards a better life for himself. Lost his mother and father a long time ago to the point it seems to be a fading memory for him, or none to be remembered. No siblings to be known  and no lovers. Seeming to be either at the right place at a bad time. He is known around the slums to common folk of being a kind man, helping those who needs help. Seeking his path to try to better the city he lives in. Nobility even seem to enjoy his presences despite being Low-born.

He is an approachable man. Welcoming all most warming embrace when standing before him. As if you could tell him all your woes, without judgement. Something about seems a bit off though. His face has a scar coming from his left eye up to his scalp, mixture of a blade and burn mark. Healed but, very noticeable. When asked about it. He seems to not know how he got it. When observing him, relaxing, he is always found drinking some kind of wine but looking longingly into the flame. Not entirely there. Seeming to have lost something. Himself? He seems to have more of a mysterious aura around him, maybe her knows or doesn't. It's unclear what might be going through this man's head.

(If you wish to have all ready know this Character from the past, please talk to me)

*If you have a high spot (Or Spellcraft??) Roll to find out more than what this character knows about himself*
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human