
Name: Tielli (Ty-lee)

Race: Rakasta

Height: 4'5"

Fur: Entire body covered in a light fur (think peach fuzz), soft and barely noticeable in some spots.  Tail showing cheetah spots mixed with tiger stripes.

Eyes: Rare carribean blue, prone to show green highlights

Build: Petite dancer's build, strong muscles

Known as the "cat people" by its neighbours, the rakasta are a proud race of feline humanoids. Rakastan culture is unique, somewhat mystical, and concerned primarily with battle and honour. Rakastas are known to be some of the most efficient soldiers and warriors in all of the civilised lands. Rakastas are a proud and emotional race. They are renowned for their quickness to anger if they feel that they have been wronged or insulted and for their great tenacity and bravery in battle. They also place a great value in honour and reputation. Rakastas seek to prove their own valour and skill in combat. They are extremely interested in the world at large and this translates into a wanderlust that demands they explore and experience all things for themselves. Rakastan hands and feet are like those of humans, except for the fur and retractable claws. Rakastas also have non-prehensile four feet long tails, most are covered with short fur. Rakastas are very proud of their tails and spend a great deal of time each day grooming them. Rakasta are often hunted by other races to become exotic slaves.
Before you stands one of these Rakastan creatures.  She looks upon the world with curious but unfearing eyes, seeking to take in and learn all that she can.  Sometimes mischief, sometimes serious.  But almost always quiet.  Her story has yet to unfold and her history to this point only revealed to those that gain her trust.


The only real red that I have is rape.  It is not something I care to engage in.  Otherwise stick to the server rules.  Oh and no gross stuff (potty play etc).  Character has submissive tendencies, strong preference to males.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf