Grim Reaper

Portrait Save
Really grim persone...

# Race: Humanoid
(you can't tell anything more about it just observing or scanning this body, and all rumors in clubs and taverns say nothing about this person from, except what he is really grim-one)
# Age: Unknown
(you can try radiocarbon dating, if you found any particles of solid matter in this buddy - in other case see paragraph above)
# Gender: Male
# Height: Varies
(from average for normal human - to greatest, what allows comfortabally use doorways)
# Eyes: Glowing red
# Hairs: Light-absorbing black
(but it's not hairs seems, and not tentakles - it's flowing ribboned parts of clothes, or what was left of it)

All what you can found in libraries and spherical-crystals of magical-tools about this phenomenon is:
Death, also known as the Grim Reaper is frequently imagined as a personified force, due to its prominent place in human culture. In some mythologies, the Grim Reaper causes the victim's death by coming to collect them. In turn, people in some stories try to hold on to life by avoiding Death's visit, or by fending Death off with bribery or tricks. Other beliefs hold that the Spectre of Death is only a psychopomp, serving to sever the last ties between the soul and the body, and to guide the deceased to the afterlife, without having any control over when or how the victim dies. Death is most often personified in male form, although in certain cultures Death is perceived as female (but it is not).

Traffic Lights system:
RED Lights - Usual server bans and so on DM's arbitrariness, also rudeness from players (if it is you're 'character' such asshole - please play it properly, respect other players and be nice);
If you match Yellow or Green zone - you know what about play is going on, all other is in Red.
YELLOW Lights - RP in English language;
If you already play with this character and whant RPlay something more then street/forest-hello&bye-meeting - ask in 'tell', or make hint in you're RP, and 'character' respond accordingly his role and players mood;
English is not native language for this player, so be patient anyway (also this player prefers only girls).
GREEN Lights - RP in home language (details in paragraph below).

Tell's: friendly.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human