Carlali Rendbri

Portrait Save
A human woman standing rigid at 5'5", clearly into her early 40's; crows feet, light wrinkles, graying hair and every sign of an aging complexion. Assets are plentiful simply from a glance, outfit far more revealing than she would like in such a strange environment. Her clothes are scarred - war torn, even. She has a stiff posture, certainly gives off a confident aura, although her eyes almost always flutter at the sight of one of Sinfar's unholy creatures.

It's evident this woman is not from this world, in reaction, attitude and attire. She is most definitely a warrior of sorts, with a strange metallic hilt clipped to her hip...


// Note from player!:

Not usually inclined to go with walk-up "wanna bang" type RP. Conversation, flirting, decent grammar and English go a long way. Writing styles do not matter, nor does your ability to use every word in the dictionary. Non-native English writers are good too! Plain Jane regular RP - potentially leading somewhere fun - is a must.


Above all, Meaningful Roleplay - Long-term relationships - Romance - Sharing - Being approached - Control


All genders! (most humanoid races) - Tells - OOC conversations - Very open - A lot more you'll find out by approaching me - Just RP with me!

(Whether or not she's dom/sub, kinks can be found out IC.)


Toilet play - Gore - Vore - most common reds
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human