
 A demonic individual stands before you, horned with vast wings and a spaded tail, looming at an ominous... One foot in height.

 In truth this strangely minuscule succubus is little more than a magical construct; A hommunculus given personality and will, sculpted of a thick, living ooze and allowed the means to take on near any form that could be imagined. Despite her tiny size she seems bold and outgoing, if not outright reckless in some regards.

Her torso and head are more humanoid in appearance, in her normal form; Tan-skinned and generously-breasted, bare and exposed for the world to see. Shoulder-length, messy hair tops her head, black in colour with a strangely triangular pair of furred ears protruding through it, curved horns curling back from her forehead; Though any that dare touch those horns finds them soft and malleable, safely squishing and deforming only to snap back to their original shape as soon as they're able. From her waist down however she is far less humanoid in appearance; Starting from her hips, she bears a coat of soft fur, her legs curving back in a traditionally digitgrade fashion before ending in soft paws.. Above a rounded rump, however, a remarkably long tail coils and twists from behind her, ending in a tiny, spaded tip. Like her legs, the tail is black-furred, velvety-soft to the touch. And from her shoulderblades sprouts a set of decidedly demonic wings, almost batlike in appearance, their tips dragging on the ground behind her as she walks, or arcing and flexing through the air a foot and several inches to either side of her diminutive frame should she take flight.

 Despite the lifelike and realistic appearance however, she is, in her entirety; Ooze. The colour to her form being little more than pigments manifested at her surface; As such, at a moment's notice, she can seemingly disappear entirely from view, visible only as a faint shimmer of light passing through her gelatinous body to the more keen of eye.

 The more magically talented will find that she is able to maintain her form via a series of powerful binding enchantments, redundant in nature and laid out so that should one such enchantment fail, the others will rebuild it. This makes the tiny slimeling remarkably durable and resilient; It'd be almost impossible to destroy her, though entirely too easy to contain her in something as simple as a glass jar. A powerful disenchanting spell may cause her to collapse into a puddle, but even then the enchantments would self-repair over some hours. A remarkably curious creature, to be sure.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling