
Portrait Save
Updated 21st January, 2018
[Shard Run Healer]


A clinking and clattering of various small tools, gizmos, trinkets and satchels follow Ella's sway, affixed by various fastenings to her golden belt and bulky rucksack.

Atop Ella's head of tousled sandy hair rests a pair of bespoke Lantanese goggles from Toril, of which a dialable zooming lense is fit over the left side.

Her clothes are generally well tailored and pleasantly aesthetic on her form, favoring knee-high boots, close-fitting leather bodices, and blousy cotton or wool shirts.

Charismatically attractive features and delightful assets embellish her image: A small cherubic nose denotes the center of her soft angular face; fuller lips curl and twist into pleasant, jovial grins and smiles; expressive bladed brows arch high; and lightly wrinkled deepsea blue eyes carefully study with calculating precision whilst her short diminutive stature sways and springs with a light animated gait.


Gender: Female.
Race: Human.
Age: 31.
Height: 4'11".
Eyes: Deepsea Blue
Hair: Wavey sandy blonde lengths falling past her shoulders.
Physique: Short and slender, slightly pear-shaped with flaring hips; modest bust; physically fit though lacking any definitive muscle tone.
Skin: Parchment-tanned, lightly freckled.


OOC // I enjoy substantial and meaningful roleplay with a preference to long term story development, so bring the plot!

Player is /tell friendly!


Red Lights: ERP.
Player:Immoral Healing
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human