
As an Aquatic Elf of the Alu'Tel'Qessir race, Lae'Nada has a more streamlined and aquatic appearance compared to her land-dwelling counterparts. Her slender form stands at 5'8" tall, with a lithe build that allows her to move through the water with ease. Her skin is a pale blue-green color, and her eyes are a bright turquoise that shimmers in the light.

Lae'Nada's abilities with time are particularly unique among her people. She can manipulate the flow of time both above and below the water's surface, altering the pace of events and allowing her to move through the water with incredible speed and precision. She has honed her skills through years of study and practice, learning to harness the power of time to help her people and protect the delicate balance of the underwater world.

Despite her formidable powers, Lae'Nada is gentle and compassionate, always striving to help those in need. She is particularly protective of the creatures that inhabit the sea, seeing them as her responsibility to care for and protect. She is skilled in the use of both weapons and magic, using her quick reflexes and agility to outmaneuver her opponents in battle.

Lae'Nada's connection to the sea is strong, and she spends much of her time exploring the underwater world and seeking out ancient relics and artifacts. She carries a staff made of a rare material found only in the depths of the ocean, which she uses to channel her power and defend herself against threats.

Overall, Lae'Nada is a powerful and respected member of her community, dedicated to using her abilities to protect and preserve the underwater world and its inhabitants.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human