Jasmine Tredoux

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This tall powerfully built amazonian woman seems a picture taken right out of a war tapestry. Soft flex stretches taut over the battle hardened muscles that pull it tightly over her form. The sharp lethal beauty of her statuesque body, rising to six feet and five inches, is shaped without error into a smoothe creamy complexion that seems to have had visitation of pampered wealth. Long sable locks of hair cascade down over her shoulders with a slight wave making it seem more alive as she fights, leveling off just at the middle of her back- her back built with the strong muscles of a swimmer or archer although maintaining a smoothe feminine shape.

While a quick and agile fighter, her behavior is as pulchritudinous as her appearance. A quiet analytical comeliness waits on the outside, hidden beneath delusive charm, with all thoughts and schemes masked behind eyes of dark emerald, marked by black pupils and occasional gold and red flecks throughout the obstreperous crystal orbs holding a peremptory gaze.
Player:Witch Ways
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human