
Portrait Save
~~~~ OOC Information ~~~~

- Tell-friendly.

- Approach me! The character is reserved and tends to sit back and observe people, but he also likes making friends.

- He's from a universe that doesn't have a weave or magic, and as such it might affect him in unexpected ways. Don't be afraid to ask about a particular effect.

-If it looks like I'm AFK, send me a tell to make sure. More often I'm not. ^^

~~~~~~~ Sabraiel ~~~~~~~

Apparent Age: 26 Human Years
Apparent Gender: Male
Height: 7'3'', 221cm
Weight: 482lb, 218kg
Hair Color: Dark apple red, with small streaks of orange.
Eye Color: Vibrant Blue
Skin Color: Pale, but still fair.
Wingspan: ~16 feet, ~4.8 meters
Extra details:
- He has no bodily or facial hair, not even a little fuzz.
- Prefers feminine things, when the subject arises.

Sab does NOT register to these beings as either direction- at best he is as neutral as water and completely invisible to such senses.


What falls within your gaze is a large, but not overly massive, humanoid man with skin of a paler complexion and layered hair of a deep apple red with small streaks of orange. It would appear that he has been hand crafted to be perfectly average, with respect to his larger size- with well toned muscles that fit snugly into his clothing, built practically for combat than appearance. His eyes are a strikingly deep and vibrant blue and carry a slight metallic sheen that glints in the light, holding a thoughtful, analyzing gaze to whatever and whomever they fall upon.

Extending from his back were two feathery wings colored as freshly fallen volcanic ash, a gradient of darker grays flaring out to flecks of white near the tips. They were powerful, and stretched out on occasion to a full span of nearly sixteen feet, and those that felt the downy feathers would note that the air around them is faintly scented of lavender.

His voice, when he speaks, is cool and soothing as a low melody if perhaps a little monotone, and he seems to typically wear a blank expression upon stoic, guardian statue-like features. Though lately a faint smile graces his slightly pink lips, giving his natural expression a slightly contented manner.

~~~~~~~~ Lights ~~~~~~~~

Pedo, loli/shota, necro, toilet, violent torture or gore, vore, anything against the rules.

Anything else is fair game until otherwise noted.

~~~ Current Notes ~~~

Portrait courtesy of Stable-Diffusion AI art!
I do custom requests! If you have an idea for a portrait, or any sort of image, send me a message!

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human