
Name: Grig Bizet (Grigdush)
Race : Half-Giant
Height : 9' 4'
     Grig is a born slave in the City of Tyr, Half-Giants are not a natural race , they were bred by the Templars of Arthas, needed for there strength and size in the harsh conditions of there land, Half-Giants were needed as well as feard.
     Grig was transported to Isle of Styss and put into slave chains , taken and used as a slave by his master till he was left at the gates of Anamachara the good city of the lands and taken in by the leader Amy.  Grig stayed a ward of the city till he was adopted and taken in by Danica the Slave mistress at the time.
     Grig as if in some sad drama was abandoned and then after serving Danica faithfully was let go, not knowing what to do or where to go he wanderd the lands of styss for some time sitting mainly in the square under a tree talking to any who would listen. Grig was befreinded by Tahyen a silver dragoness, who tough grig to learn and speak properly  wich aforded the giant more oportunities.
       Grig ended up being the bouncer of the Serpent on styss working hand and hand with his friends Cypher, Jadon and others that worked at the serpent for long years and soon they were as much fmaily as they were friends.  Grig soon found a place to call home and a place to be happy , but with all good things they must come to an end and grig ended up leaving the lands for more adventures.
            Grig had left styss in search of adventure , learnd a new craft opend a bar of his own and ran a successfull buisness, through his travels he ran into a old friend and Love Desari,. they hit it off and ran grigs bar together, soon got married and lived a happy long life.
Grig and Desari decided to book a ship and traveld back twards Styss but as any one whos been there would know its not a easy place to find if it doesnt want to be found.  Grig got in a fight after getting realy drunk one night on the ship, riped the mast of the ship off and smacked the captain after he was called a dumb giant......Grig was proptley put off the ship after and they ended up here in Sinfar.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc