Gwyndolin Argentrose

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---Quick Description----
Full name: Gwyndolin Argentrose
Age: Young Adult
Height: 5'4"
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Hair: Shoulder Length, Dark Brown to Black
Eyes: Green Hazel
Bust: Perky, Average
Build: Slender, Feminine
Skin: Fair
Traits: [Faithful][Devoted][Chaste][Resilient][Patient][Humble][Erudite][Naive][Fearful][Fear of the Occult][Fear of the Arcane][Romantic][Igniculus]
Social Class: Lowborn Commoner
Affiliations: Solaris Imperium, Church of the Soldarion
Profession: Novitiate Priestess

****Detailed Description****
This demure young woman is rather unassuming at first glance. She wears a fitted dress bearing the symbols of the Church of the Soldarion. She is of average height and her build is slender though her dress hides any curves to her body that might be there.

Her appearance is neat, her shoulder length black hair neatly combed, often done up. She has large hazel green eyes that hold a sense of friendliness. Her face is soft and feminine. She would be considered attractive though not stunningly beautiful.

Things I like: Romance, Stories and plots, Horror, The Supernatural, unusual creatures and monsters, Magic, Consequences, Drama, Intrigue, Combat by dice roll, Meaningful sexual encounters, consensual and nonconsensual encounters

Things to ask about: Anything long term or permanent.

Things I do not like: Scat, Godgaming

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human