Aubrey de Maleroux

Name: Aubrey de Maleroux
Height: 6'1"
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Deep blue
Hair: Black
Complexion: Creamy
Age: 19


Aubrey de Maleroux is a young man of aspiring position in the world. He carries himself with the gait of the gentry, someone born to a prominent family somewhere in the lands, though his accent, his style of dress, the gait with which he carries himself is quite refined. He was always dressed in the finest of cloth, a cavalier or otherwise hat placed upon his head. A blade of fine-make always at his hip, and a tome upon the other. He was an aspiring Scholar, and a Swordsman at heart.

His build was sinewy, though he was no muscle-head, it was refined, careful of what he ate, and clearly he was rained within an Estate or otherwise closed environment, his flesh unexposed to labor or hard work.


I'm always up for something interesting for fun, and anyone who likes Aubrey I encourage to shoot me a tell. The only things I don't go for are bathroom stuff. If you have a scenario in mind, I'm all for it!
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human