
Small-framed, athletic build, very slim waist, and lithe toned limbs define her. Most of the time, she wears a face mask that covers her entire face, without any apparent slits for vision. When taken off, she features long and thick stark white hair and almond shaped red eyes.
She is wearing a tight leotard, boxing hand wraps, and combat boots. She bears a couple minor scars accross her body, which blemish an otherwise perfect skin. But no scars are present on her face thanks to the face mask. She has a habit of moving quickly with an uncommon fluidity, speed, and grace. Also, her fingernails are long and sharply trimmed.

Her voice is angelic and sweet to hear. She generally talks at a soft musical tone. When flustered, she tends to talk fast and use hand gestures. She maintains an faint smile most of the time, though usually incinsere.

Her gaze is calculating and sharp. At personal space, she has a pleasant smell of fragrance of wild roses. Her skin is soft and smooth but always cold to touch.

Drow weaponmasters and experienced warriors who are familiar with drow fighting-styles can identify her fighting stance and technique mainly as the "Bautha Z'hin" (Dodge and Walk) style, which emphasizes dodging blows and high maneuverability without getting hit,
mixed with "Orb Alur" (Superior Spider) style which emphasizes a cold calculating mindset that lets the practitioner cut and demoralize opponents with minimal effort.
Player:Aero Silver
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf