Mei Suko

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One look at this woman and it would be a safe assumption if she's native to these lands she likely hails from the Lotus Isles. This mere human woman seems to be quite at peace somehow in this strange land. Carrying herself with a combination of wisdom, elegance, beauty, and sheer resolve; all with an aura of serenity and tranquility as well as a deep spiritual presence no less.

Standing at 5'5" her lithe and seemingly soft, yet quite muscular and toned frame covered by flawless, pale skin supporting narrow hips, a round, toned ass, and petite, pert A cup breasts. Her waist-length hair a once rich mass of lovely black tresses already showing signs of graying out at an early age. Her hair almost always put up in fanciful headdress though if she were sparring or hunting it would be tied back with a less inhibiting hairpiece. Her eyes always carrying a steady calm appearance are a vibrant blue-grey, perhaps indicative of mixed heritage somewhere in her ancestry. Dotting her perfectly manicured nails upon both her hands and feet is polish of deep blue hues. The sagely wise yet and evenly-toned voice that emanates from her soft unpainted lips is one that tends to soothe and put others at ease in her presence. What else may lie beneath her traditional isles attire would not be visible without her getting disrobed, but what one see if that were to happen could be described as nothing less than a work of art. While clearly an adult of her race, the quiet maturity of the lady coupled with the appearance of graying may lead one to believe her elder. While fairly friendly and forthcoming, many things about her remain a great mystery.

For the time being, she is seemingly content with her life in the isles. While the woman seems to be harmless enough she also does not give off a vibe of being an easy target. Generally though diplomacy seems to be her preferred method of dealing with disagreement and conflict. All in all for the most part she presents a relatively unremarkable being but then again, nothing is ever as it really seems...

This persona is a disguise for another pc. If you have the capability of seeing through the disguise, I will let you know who the real persona beneath the disguise is. Absolutely NO meta-gaming this.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human