

Jaezkyn stood at 5'5" and almost to have the etheral apperance of a translucent drow. Shadows draped and pulled towards the wraith-like creature. With transparent pale-skin and paler glowing white orbs for eyes. The only thing identifying this creature as having been Drow was the spider motif-armor, indicating he must have been some manner of Drow Warrior in life.

The exact reason for it being bound to the mortal plane is unknown, but the softly glowing shackles around it's wrists, with floating chains hovering behind him, partially broken at the ends might hint at a former entrapment.

Jay seems to be bound, stuck to live forever between living and death. With the ability to partially manifest and demanifest between the worlds fully, partially, or not at all. This change is obvious as when fully manifested, Jay becomes wholely solid, living and breathing for a short period of time, dusky ash skin. Hair shimmering silk-white, with vibriant deep amber eyes, hinting at Jaezkyn's noble-heritiage with skin slightly flaked with silver.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf