Cainon Lorne

Race: Appears Human
Age: Appears to be late twenties
Gender: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 180lb
Nationality: Temerian

This tall man walks with a fluid, almost unnatural grace.  His body is toned, his rippling muscles sleek and compact and lacking an ounce of excess fat.  Clearly no stranger to manual labor, he seems to make a point of ensuring that he is always in peak physical condition.

Dark hair of midnight black often hangs about his head in roguish disarray, though the locks are always clean.  From beneath, peircing eyes of green peer about with both curisoity and a calculating, cautious stare.

While quite handsome the man's expression more often than not seems to be quite neutral, as if he's making a concious effort not to hint at his private thoughts.  Still, when various emotion does show he has an expressive face that lights up with it - however briefly.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human