Threllvar Blackblade

An orc, a big orc. Who likes killing things, looting them, rinse, repeat.

Threll likes orc women first of all, other women seem too weak. (Though he might enslave one for his own amusement, you know how orcs are *grins*)

Occasionally he will enslave another race, but only to feed his growing clan's needs (no he doesn't eat people.. YET) and some time perverse desires.. Being the chieftain, everyone eats after him (no seriously he doesn't eat people)

Threllvar has come into his power and its shows by his brilliant red wings.  A gift long awaited by him that he may finally show his father is worthy. (now he might actually eat people, details are sketchy at present)

I'm really a good guy, but some times you just have to orc up and trash a few villages.. am I right or am I right?
Player:Forsaken Light
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human