Accalia Kimishiba

At 5'2" and 105lbs, she strides through the world with a sense of grace and a physical prowess of balance that goes beyond the norm for humans. Her skin is pale in comparison to what one might expect of a Miko and a Fujo, which is what her clothing to some extent expresses in the use of the hakama sleeves bound about her arms.

Most interesting part to notice is the design of clothing she wore is that it seemed a mixture of shinobi design and Miko and/or Fujo.

Her hands are completely bandaged up to her elbows but all that is seen are her palms being that she had the majority of her arms covered by black shinobi sleeves and hakama sleeves over that.

Her face is youthful but she is definitely a woman of fine maturity, in her prime so to speak. Her eyes are a gorgeous shade of amber gold and seem to shine like jewels in the night when light comes to reflect gently off them.

Her hair is a dark auburn and flows like silken waterfalls down to her pert ass in thick, full waves.

She does hold a spiritual connection and the abilities that come with a Miko including the use of spells, charms, and talismans.

However, there is something that lies within this Miko as she strides through the world and observes it with interest and a quick mind of study. it shows in the way she moves, the almost animalistic, prowling steps she takes.

At certain times of the moon cycle, her blood awakens from her ancestors and her body changes. The blood of yokai courses through her and she finds her body shortening in height to 4'10". Nimble, toned thighs thicken and soften as much as her hips broaden and bust grows. Her hair loses its red auburn shine and becomes thick and wild. A length of furry, fluffy lupine tail grows out thick and long from her tailbone and her human ears fade into her skull to allow large floppy canine ears to grow from the top of her head, covered in a similar thick furry hair of a brownish hue.

Her face softens, seeming less sharp and gains a bit of fullness to it. Last to see in change of her body is the fact that her feet become covered in fur half way up her shins and all over her feet. The underside of her feet is covered in soft toe pads and her toenails grow into short, red clothes.

Her sharp, golden amber eyes even change color and become a deep, hungry red that seems to come along with a near constant flush that crests her cheekbones.

She is in truth, a half demon. A yokai wolf parent and a human parent.


Hafu Mononoke-
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human