Synkka Nakija

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»Name: Synkkä Näkijä
»Gender: Male
»Species: Fey [Unseelie]
»Occupation: Busker, Familiar
»Homeplane: Astrazalian, Feywild
»Languages: Common, Sylvan, Animal.

Often to be sighted at the side of the road, guitar in hand strumming for tips. Shorter, weedier and lacking any visible weaponry; the creatures usual civilian attire suggests no particular calling or allegiance, typically leaning towards the scruffier, grungey side.

Drawing closer one might notice a faint whiff of white spirits; rum most likely, and not all unoften one might spot the burning ember of a lit cigarette peering between his maw, asymmetric fangs protruding over the left side of his lower lips. Perhaps the most observant staring at this time might note, alongside being left-handed; he doesn't appear to always look quite in the right direction when facing someone, be it too low or too far to the left; as if he was struggling to see them.

»Class: Bard/Oracle/Dirgesinger
»Class abilities
Revelation: A breeze within a sealed room, rasping voices when nobody is nearby; an oracle is very rarely truly alone, plagued by strange visions or secrets whispered into their ears. Though difficult to discern, the attempts to share these revelations; often clouded through riddles, rhymes or insane babbling they often herald things to come or truths in the present moment.

Cursed [Blind]: To become more than sentient comes with grave costs, and this sacrifice comes in many forms. Insomnia, lameness, premature aging, disease, muteness; such disabilities limit but grant the oracle strange new abilities often related to the curse.

Tonguetied: As incoherent (or intentionally misleading)as they might be, Oracles cannot tell outright lies or proclaim false prophecies. It's simply beyond them. Attempts to lie find their words cut short, or their hands stayed by something greater than themselves.

(Send me a tell with anything you'd think Synkkä would pick up on or would like him to react to, he might have a sixth sense but unfortunately, his player does not)

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human