new build

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Personal information

Name: Shkh
Family/clan name: None
Race: Hengeyokai
Subrace: Rat
Profession: Alchemist, Librarian, Historian, Archivist
Discipline: Spider wasp
Voice: Squeaky, high pitched, quick speech
Sexuality: Pansexual, passive, switch
Demeanor: Patient, Vindictive
Personality: Conscientiousness

Information - peculiar traits

Smell: Sewers, books, rats, paper, cheap beverages, ink, bad food
Speech pattern: Speaks using as little words as possible, to present a sentence in the quickest way possible. Most of the time the sentence is constructed incorrectly, and can be hard  to understand

Physical information - Bipedal

Height: 3'5 feet
Weight: around 40 pounds
Body shape: Slender
Build: Scrawny
Fur: Thick, rigid, rough
Fur color: Dark
Hair: Long, thick, stiff
Hair color: Moss
Eyes: Orbs in one color, glowing
Eyes color: Red

Physical information - Human

Height: 4 feet
Weight: around 59 pounds
Body shape: Slender
Build: Scrawny
Skin: Rough, bruised, scarred
Skin color: Dark
Hair: Long, thick, stiff
Hair color: Moss
Eye color: Red

Physical information - Animal

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf