
Portrait Save

Name: Moreris
Sex: Female, always
Race: Harpy
Height: 6'-0"

Moreris is in fact, a harpy.  Not all harpy's are evil, you know!  A tall figure with a large bust to match, this woman is not what you would think.  

Her hair is brown and often unkempt, adorned with beads of different colors.  The only thing holding it somewhat in place is the headband she wears.  

Moving down she sports a pair of red wings to match the color of her skin.  Her arms, from the elbow down, are covered with feathers, and her fingers pointed into claws at the tip.

Even further down are her inverted legs with matching feathers, her three toes also pointed and sharp.

         - RP to figure out lights -
Player:Scroll Sloot
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human