Eletta Mor'mahri

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Two rows of thin onyx horns and snow-white irises announce a fiendish inheritance. This oft-temeritous terror tends towards statuesque, though her infrequent frowns of faint fluster threaten to foil this confident facade; the tell-tale signs of a newcomer to a strange land still sometimes slip through. A willowy tail trails out from the base of her spine to eagerly confirm any worrisome suspicions: smooth, whiplike, and almost as long as her full height.

In the likely event that inky-black lips split to speak, it is with many otherworldly voices bleeding together--an outer-planar chorus typically aligned in sardonic cadences. A keen and familiar ear may recognize several Abyssal accents, though placing which particular layer would be a difficult task even for a native.

Shades of darkened cherry and waxing midnight are an unmissable theme: this creature is never spotted without a two-tone wardrobe and strange and preternatural runes sealed into pale flesh both prominently and proudly displayed. Those strongly attuned to law may find said fell lettering uncomfortable to stare at overlong; a creature of chaos will, naturally or otherwise, likely experience an entirely opposite effect.

As with any shapeshifter, WYSIWYG.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human