Sylvar Olahice

Race: Elf
Height: 6' 4''
Skin: Bluish
Eyes: Dark Purple
Mouth: Pouty dark lips
Body: Lithe and toned
Position: Switch, mostly dom

A very tall elf with a noble disposition about him. His clothes are very well kept and on the sleeves are markings that indicate a noble house to the keen observer. His heavy bangs barely obscure his angelic features with high cheek bones and a very thoughtful brow. A constant look of annoyance is upon his face, though, that could very well just be how he looks. He is an elf after all.

An unstrung great bow is kept as a staff and usually held in his hands as a walking stick. Despite being incredibly tall for an elf he still moves with the grace and poise one would expect of his clan. On the back of his hands are two brand marks left with a hot iron that would indicate him as an outcast of his kind.


Red: Death.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf