Arawelt The Seamless

Arawelt was a stout looking dwarf, his beard was groomed in a sasqonent manner involving various trinkets upon the braided locks. More peculiar were the signs upon his forehead, they appeared religious in nature and indeed had the faint hum of divinity emanating from their source.

While he had hair wherever appropriate for a dwarf, the top of his head was perfectly bald. His knuckles were the same, spotless and pristine, as if they've never known hard labor in their life. Other than that not much can be said about Arawelt, the rest ought to be found out via interaction.


Males in erp


Dog-person 99% of the time depending on mood


Females, Bagujakawurka (with ropes), server rally
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Dwarf