

Lilith is a PLEASURE DEMONESS incredibly tall, though and attractive at the same time.

She looks like more a beast than an human being. Her wings are skinny but strong, quite impossible to break and able to let the demoness flying despite of her huge weight.

Lilith does not have THEETH but she got terrible FANGS, long and sharp, perfectly able to consume raw human flesh... probably her favourite meal!

Instead of simple fingernails, she obviously shows her claws, a terrible "natual weapon" that she can use to torment her victims.. and her preys.

OC STUFF: My Lilith is a SWITCH bdsm oriented character.

She really enjoys to humiliate and torture (phisically and mentally) her subs, so if you finish under her.. well you know what you're dealing with.

Lilith can be enslaved, and with the right person, she can become a good servant, expectin all kinds of tasks and humiliations.

MY ABSOLUTE FAVS: femdom, bdsm, feet play, all toilet play, vouyerism, furniture play, pet play, light and heavy torture, public and private humiliations, facefucking, work servitude, true slavery, total permanent slavery (if willing to) and similar things.

IMPORTANT: Lilith pleasure demoness POWERS:

OMNISEXUAL: Lilith can change her sexual gender at will.. she can have a dick.. a vagina.. or both of them at the same time.


Lilith can change her form at will, becoming a female human, an elf... or whatever she desires...

TOXIC LOVE: When you swallow any kind of Lilith's fluid (semen, piss, precum fluids) you can become addicted as you were assuming an heavy drug (obviously its your oc choice to become addicted)

SLUTTY AURA: When Lilith is around, she irradiates a powerful aura that makes every character in the area (oc choice of that character's player) feeling hungry for sex, making his/her lybido growing up.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human