Delade T'Lyn

You see a young Rakshasa, physically typical of her kind.
What isn't typical, is that she isn't evil.Delade was adopted by a human wizard after his party had wiped out an outsider stronghold.  They found the tiny Rakshasa cub, a newborn, and couldn't bring themselves to destroy her.
The wizard raised the cub, treated her with kindness and taught her the discipline necessary to cast archane spells.  

Delade has grown up.   She's extremely curious.  A curiousity that tends to get her in trouble.  She's mischivous, but feels bad if her pranks untentially harm her target.

Physically, she is slim and toned.  Lythe and agile as a cat should be.

//OOC:  Not interested in being a slave, not interested in owning a slave.  Not interested in bathroom play.  Not interested in any perma changes or perma death.  Not interested in godmodders.  I love RP, almost any good RP.  I will do my best to bring Delade to life for you and hope you enjoy her.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf