
IC: Standing in front of you is exactly what he apears to be, a entirely chrome humaniod. He aproximates the most basic of human apearances by a glance all except his entirely chrome body. Even his cloths, when worn are chrome.

Story: Auto-Tom is a golem, made by an ancient race of technologicly advanced beings that long ago abandoned this portion of the known cosmos. He is ancient and largely immortal. If you kill him, he reforms at a later date. His memory is broken by the experience however. Meaning that he has died many times and reformed with no recollection of his past. What he does recall is only vauge impressions of what once was. He long ago stopped trying to explain his past to himself or anyone else. Its just not that imporant. He is here now and he doesnt seem to care about much else.  

"Tom"  for short, enjoys biological life. It facinates him and he tried to aproximate it as much as possible even going so far as to play at procreation. He has found a talent in this department due to his minor shape changeing abilities. He is capable of aproximateing many diferent  biological forms. Limitied however by a basic need to maintain a humaniod one.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human