Organic Specimen # 7

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Once only an egg, the Weyland Yutani corporation recovered this specimen from an off-world planet, knowing the dangers of such, the corporation's top minds begun experimenting on the creature after gestating it to a suitable host; dealing with wanted criminals of the galactic penal system, no one would miss a murderer.

After gestation, killing the murderous convict upon birthing, Specimen #7 began to change through generational genetic traits, passed down by it's queen. Within' a matter of hours, the creature had grown to nearly full size, complete with an armored carapace to protect it's highly acidic organs.
Razor sharp claws and chrome capped fangs and teeth made this predatorial hunter an expert killer, using it's hind legs for bursts of speed up to 65 miles per hour, utilizing it's elongated and sharp pointed tail for both balance and visceral attacks.
Scientists and biologists of Weyland Yutani were most pleased with Specimen #7's adaptability to climate and circumstantial events that would cause a creature of such dread and intelligence to defend itself.

The research and development of the corporations newest additions were abruptly halted when Organic Specimen #7 broke free of it's containment and restraints, and proceeded to terminate the station's populace using the station's ventilation and life-support related ducts.

No further news on the status of the specimen nor any of the research teams or crew aboard the station have been recieved, other than a faintly powered distress signal that repeats itself, seeming to echo into the far reaches of space.

{O.S.7 is an elaborately developed character I've been creating for over 12 years. (10 years Table-Top DnD, 2+ years Neverwinter Nights) His background and history are original, going along with some of the canon lore and I have been implementing him as well as other characters into a Novel I am publishing. For the purposes of Role-Play, if you would like to be a part of the Novel, as well as O.S.7's story-progression, please send me a PM or Tell letting me know "It is completely ok to use my character's name, physical description, and history in your publishing." However if you would not like your character to be used in my novel equally please let me know as soon as you can. I will not implement any other characters without the permission of the player}

Player:The Fated Bloodline
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Uknown