Jia Shezz

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Young looking adventurer, master of using blade magic without help of holy symbols.

Before coming to Sinfar he's worked part time as a librarian. Nowadays he's satisfied with gathering texts for his personal collection.

Calm and collected. When observed without his knowledge, he works methodically, deprived of any emotions on his face. In company of others, he's cheerful and helpful.Sometimes he can forget that speaking is a thing that people do, falling silent for extended periods of time as he hangs out, listening.

Mane of unruly hair contrasts with his mostly neat appearance.
Looking like a human male, the only detail betraying his otherworldy heritage are crimson eyes and cold aura surrounding him. Perceptive people might notice that he sometimes forgets to blink.
Well-built and limber, deprived of any scars and blemishes.

People well-versed in planar knowledge might notice that he shows traits common for celestials. Despite that, the aura he emits while casting has a reek of negative energy mixed into it. Seeing him in action more often could further lead to conclusion that he has to put conscious effort in order to get rid of that impurity during a spell.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human