
Portrait Save
Race:Umbral Kobold*
Age:Young Adult
Height:3' 3" / 99 cm
Build:Slim Pear
Scale Color:Slightly Yellowy White (Albinism)
Eye color:Rose Pink (Albinism)

* See physical description for a brief introduction of the species. More by request. A successful Lore Check (DC 30) by those with some familiarity with other planes will be more than sufficient to be familiar.


Physical Description:
The quintessential kobold - a small, wiry creature of somewhat ambiguous gender and likely mischievous bearing, savage and free, yet forever stuck near the underbelly of the local food chain. A budding adventurer's first trophy. Reesi looks every bit like her cousins from the surface world from her clawed toes to her horns and fringes and all things in between. Lacking any breasts, one may rely only on her build -- slightly more hippy than males of the species -- and her voice, which while still just a little scratchy, is softer and of a slightly higher pitch - think less squeaky toy and more prepubescent teen. Her scales are all of the typical reptilian albino color: a near-white yellow that really only shoes any particular hue when in the light, but otherwise may as well be white for all intents and purposes, and she's got the pink eyes to match. Black sclera provide a fine contrast for her brightly colored irises, whose slitted pupils widen and contract as necessary to adjust to ambient light. Those eyes, much like her head, are seemingly always on a swivel.

However, Reesi isn't the quintessential Kobold. An oft-unknown breed of the little scamps originates from a place beneath even the underdark, so far into shadow that it borders on the plane of shadow, where the beasts that patrol in the darkness would terrify the hearts of men. There, these Umbral Kobolds forge a harsh existence in one of the most inhospitable environments imaginable. They live in a higher state than their terrestrial cousins, having a broader intellect and a wider array of skills and disciplines. By and large, nearly all of them are jet black or a very dark purple, but there exists a rare and unfortunate few who are born in the light. Reesi is among them. More often than not, these abnormal Umbrals are shunned from their society and forced to live on the surface world to escape certain death should they linger in the darkness where they have a serious disadvantage.


In a word: precious. Reesi is a sprightly soul with boundless enthusiasm for life and a confidence ill-befitting someone of her incredibly meek stature. She faces every day with a sunny smile and a laugh, unafraid of the dangers of the surface world and always on the move, eager to see new things. Often, if she is standing about some place, she's either watching a nearby event or tinkering with one of her countless unusual possessions. When it comes to people, she's about as cheerful, too. To Reesi, there are two types of people in the world: flat-faces and not-flat-faces. For everything else, the individual is all that matters. She either can't see or refuses to see race as a barrier to communication and will happily share her time with anyone she finds interesting or entertaining enough so long as they aren't abrasive enough to send her away, which is rather rare.

In conversation and in how she behaves, the little scamp gives the impression of blissful ignorance. She speaks simply and to the point, doesn't seem to understand more complex concepts, and often misses simple cues that seem to sail right over that little head of hers. One could easily label her a fool. However, the observant may note some subtle cues that hint at a higher intelligence and awareness. After a prolonged bout of leading someone around in conversation, she may find their frustration amusing enough to laugh at. When it comes time to act, she seems either to be familiar with most concept or an incredibly fast learner, easily able to pick up skills and take on unusual tasks with even the most complex pieces of machinery or instruments. Even the weapons she carries and the way she uses them seems almost too much for a kobold. To the uninitiated, Reesi may come across as incredibly resourceful and even lucky. To those who have known her long enough to see the signs, there may seem to be something more that's hidden just beneath that carefree exterior.


NSFW stuff:
Reesi is a kobold. Whatever implications that may entail are ultimately up to the individual, but as far as this kobold goes, there are a few constants: racial barriers seldom seem to matter in regards to who she will spend her time with and enjoy being around; she is incredibly easy to get along with unless one is impatient or elitist enough not to tolerate her apparent ignorance; more often than not, she will seem to miss hints and suggestions and doesn't appear to catch the subtle, but when pressed with a more direct line of questioning, will admit that she knows plenty about mating. It may take some convincing and perhaps even bribery (she loves shinies, naturally), but Reesi does know her stuff and may subject herself to acts for those who garner enough favor.

White Lights:
RP! General stuff is great and she loves hanging out with people. Day to day social interaction is always okay, and new faces are a treat. She also loves adventuring. And food.

Green Lights:
Males and Females (iffy on in-between) | Dragons | Reptilian Races | Furry Races (beastfolk, whatever-kin, etc) | Ferals (Animal characters with sapience/druids or lycans in feral form) | Most Things Cum-Related | Bribery (She loves shinies!) | General/Vanilla Things as a Whole

Yellow lights:
Dub-Con | Violence | Coercion/Blackmail | Excessive Size Difference (Larger Partners) | Size Difference (Smaller Partners) | Monstrous Races | Anything not listed as a Red or Green (Feel free to ask! The worst I will do is say no)

Red Lights:
Rape/Non-Con (She will stab your crotch without hesitation) | Children/Childlike Characters | Scat/Filth/Bathroom Whatever | Permanent Changes to the Character Without Consent | Gore/Excessive Violence | Anything else as subject to the situation
Player:HIPS build
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human